
  • Journal of Counseling Psychology

    The Journal of Counseling Psychology is a journal published by the Islamic College (STAI) Darul Kamal Nahdlatul Wathan Kembang Kerang, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia. The journal has published twice a year since 2024. The journal focuses on current topics in various fields such as multiculturalism and cross-cultural competence, research methods, vocational psychology, assessment, counseling, prevention and intervention, health, social justice, assessment, and training and supervision. In addition, this journal is developed to present original research manuscripts on relevant issues that will be of interest to counseling psychologists, counselors, counselor educators, counseling researchers, and other mental health professionals working in various settings, especially in the Asian context.

    Jounal Template | Submission

    Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  • Journal of Educational Values (JEVA)

    Journal of Educational Values ​​(JEVA) is to publish original research and reviews relevant to the interdisciplinary field of research on educational, social, and religious values. The journal publishes rigorous studies from any methodological perspective. The journal focuses on current topics on educational values ​​from a multidisciplinary perspective: religion, social, history, and philosophy, and may also cover educational values, religious, moral, spiritual, and intercultural values, broadly understood, in contemporary and historical perspectives.

    Jounal TemplateSubmission

    Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  • Wellbeing: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    Wellbeing: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is a peer-reviewed journal that contains scientific articles from various disciplines adopted in various community service activities based on the Participative Action Research (PAR) approach, the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBRPR) approach, or the Service-Learning (SL) approach covering educational activities, socio-culture, science and technology, and community religious practices.

    Wellbeing Template | Submission

    Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  • Al Kamal: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies (JISS)

    Journal title Al Kamal: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies 
    Initials JISS
    Abbreviation j.alkamal
    Frequency Two (2) issues per year (Januari & Juli)
    DOI Prefix 10.21831 by 
    ISSN 0000-0000 (Print) | 2774-4450 (Online)
    Editor-in-chief Taqiudin Zarkasi
    Publisher LP2M STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang NTB
    Citation Dimensions | Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda

    Al Kamal: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies (JISS), is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal. JISS will disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various contemporary Islamic and social issues: Islam and the state, Islamic social movements, Islam and gender, Islam and media, Islam and democracy, Islam and radicalism, Islam and international relations, Islam and human rights, Islam and digital society, Islam and politics, Islam and education, Islam and economics, Islam and mysticism.

    Jounal Template | Submission

    Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  • SANTREN: Journal of Islamic Education (JIE)

    SANTREN: Journal of Islamic Education (JIE) is an international peer-reviewed journal published by STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang NTB. JIE can be accessed online and publishes scientific research on Islamic educational institutions and Islamic education. The journal's articles are published twice a year (June and December). Journal of Islamic Education (JIE) focuses on the advancement of science in both formal and non-formal education, covering topics on Islamic education in madrasahs, Islamic education in Pesantren, and Islamic education in universities.